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OpenTBS changes my data

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By: Antoine D.
Date: 2015-01-27
Time: 11:41

OpenTBS changes my data

Hey guys,

I'm using OpenTBS 1.8.1 for many months. Works pretty well but I still have some troubles.
I created my template in .odt format. I generated tons of documents without any problem but few days ago, my customer told me that sometimes, data was wrong.

In one of my template, I'm using a var 3 times. Two of them are good but the third not.
For instance, i got the word "COURNIL" 2 times and the third, i got "CYURNIL". The "O" had been changed in "Y". However, this is the same variable. I got the contrary too.
I also got a date which has been changed from "2014" to "4014".

I haven't succeed to reproduce it so I can't help you more, I'm sorry

Does anyone already had this issue ?

Best regards,
By: Skrol29
Date: 2015-01-29
Time: 00:54

Re: OpenTBS changes my data


This has not been seen before and looks like impossible.
By: Antoine D.
Date: 2015-02-11
Time: 12:41

Re: OpenTBS changes my data


I found myself the origin of this issue. OpenTBS wasn't the problem.
After generating an odt file, i convented it into pdf and sometimes I used ghostscript to merge pdf files and ghostscript alter itself my data.

Thx for your answer and sorry for disturbing ;-)