I am trying to make a list of products with multiple sub templates/htmls
there are 3 types of products- each of has its own template in the listing of products..
producttype 1 = template 1
producttype 2 = template 2
producttype 3 = template 3
i am using an array here and list the templates in the main page as block
$tmpl_PRODUCT_SEARCH_RESULTB=array ("template 1","template 2","template 3");
$TBS->MergeBlock('blockfiles',$tmpl_PRODUCT_SEARCH_RESULTB); -- IN PHP
[blockfiles.val;block=span;file=[val]] -- IN TEMPLATE
now i am trying to make another array with the product for listing
$RecCnt1 =$TBS->MergeBlock('listpro', $product_display_array);
in the inner snippets (template 1,template 2,template 3) i have used the block variables as folows
<div class="copy">
<h2><a href="[onshow.countryfolder][onshow.slurp_product_url;htmlconv=no;protect=no]">[listpro.Pre_slu_part_no;block=span;when [listpro.producttype]=21]</a><span class="support_des">Provides</span></h2>
<p class="restricted_list">for <strong>[listpro.Pre_slu_ca_part_cov]</strong> devices at [listpro.Pre_slu_descrip].</p>
& [onshow.slurp_product_url;htmlconv=no;protect=no] this place holder read data from database... but this is not converted to value.. it displayed as placeholder itself ...how can i solve this? please help me...