By: yazul
Date: 2013-01-24
Time: 16:49
display block more than once
in a template, i want to use a block more than once.
but TBS seems to ignore first "end" et second "begin" , and constructs an unique block...
any idea ?
By: Sarah
Date: 2013-01-24
Time: 19:51
Re: display block more than once
Have you tried including parameter p1? E.g.
From the manual:
Merging several blocks with the same data:
You cannot merge several blocks having the same names because they are considered by TBS has a one and only block composed of several sections. Nevertheless, you can use a tip to get a similar behavior.
If you use parameter p1 without value in the block definition, that does forces TBS to consider the section as a new block break, like it does for subblocks.
Id Name
[;block=tr;p1] []
Id Name
[;block=tr;p1] []
$TBS->MergeBlock('b','mysql','SELECT * FROM MyTable');
Versioning: this tip is available since TBS version 3.4.
By: yazul
Date: 2013-01-24
Time: 20:36
Re: display block more than once
I missed that in documentation :-(
By: Sarah
Date: 2013-01-24
Time: 20:37
Re: display block more than once
No worries, I missed it too. Skrol pointed it out for one of my many questions :)
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