Forum - all messages

(2017-04-24) - how to do it?
(2017-04-19) - Generate one document with one template and several data set ?
(2017-04-03) - Error Replacing picture on a template that had other picture replaced already.
(2017-03-27) - Hide a column in a table
(2017-03-25) - Change default language in DOCX templates
(2017-03-21) - Invoice Creation
(2017-03-13) - Dynamically changing chart display of data from numeric to percentage
(2017-03-20) - Dynamically changing or adding/removing legends and related data in charts
(2017-03-03) - sub-sub-sub blocks
(2017-03-03) - Sub-Block Only Merging First Item in Array
(2017-02-07) - Merging of multiple columns
(2017-02-09) - Error 'word/template.xml'
(2017-02-03) - ExtSJ4, Ajax & Php. The browser don't propose me the document but the result is ok?
(2017-02-02) - Can we generate tables directly in Word .docx ?
(2017-01-09) - Docx Corrupt with Changepic
(2016-12-30) - MergeBlock MySQL header/footer in docx
(2016-12-21) - Is there a way of changing the background color of table cells?
(2016-12-14) - LoadTemplate slow - optimization
(2016-12-13) - Adding arbitrary titles to charts to target specific charts using $TBS->PlugIn(OPENTBS_CHART...
(2016-12-06) - Corrupt DOCX trying after trying to OPENTBS_CHART
(2016-12-04) - encoding
(2016-12-06) - Docx, subblocks, multidimensional array
(2016-12-11) - Conditional start and end tags with nested content
(2016-11-28) - Zip error on Mac OS X
(2016-11-21) - Trouble with parallel on dynamic merge
(2016-10-22) - Generate Sub-block with OpenTBS.
(2016-11-02) - Unwanted line breaks
(2016-10-04) - Display "not available" text when field is empty (using MergeBlock)
(2016-09-21) - How to show data in header and footer on DOCX document
(2016-09-15) - Data generation doesn't work
(2016-09-13) - Line breaks (\r\n) in MySQL data not automatically converted when using MergeBlock
(2016-10-06) - Delete column of table if var = x
(2017-03-07) - download problem
(2016-05-10) - Merge just words (not paragraphs)
(2016-05-05) - TinyButStrong Error with PlugIn() method: '16'
(2016-03-29) - Sub-blocks and table rows in Word templates
(2016-03-26) - Need help to formationtable
(2016-02-18) - File generate corrupt
(2015-12-22) - Help for hiding conditional text in MS Word document
(2015-12-13) - block=end on table row outputs empty row
(2015-12-16) - Method LoadTemplate (OpenTBS) does not load template file correctly
(2016-02-09) - array listed with bullet point in docx
(2015-12-07) - Copy image from one docx to other docx
(2015-12-12) - OLE in docx
(2015-12-14) - Get names of mergefields in docx
(2015-12-11) - Linking two docx
(2015-12-05) - Change Header and footer in template
(2015-12-06) - Merge image in docx template
(2015-11-30) - Merge sub block and sub-sub-block without table in docx
(2015-11-26) - Problem when i create a .docx file
(2016-07-09) - Errormessage by WORD, when opening document
(2015-10-29) - I cant delete the template after the new file is saved.
(2015-10-16) - Prevention of page breaks
(2015-10-12) - Changing font colour inside tables
(2015-09-01) - dynamic lists docx
(2015-08-27) - Headergrp
(2015-08-26) - Multiple documents from one template in a loop and save in one file
(2015-08-26) - Dynamic table in DOCX
(2015-08-26) - OpenTBS merging docx template with HTML formatted source
(2015-08-26) - Docx column merge
(2015-08-15) - Insert Files as Objects in Exported Word Document with OpenTBS
(2015-08-14) - New lines from txt to docx
(2015-08-05) - Copy content from one docx into another and keep format.
(2015-07-21) - Dynamic table incorrectly displayed when number of columns > 8 and "AutoFit to Contents" activated
(2015-07-19) - Appending several .docx files
(2015-07-19) - Dynamic table
(2015-07-14) - $TBS->Show() generating error
(2015-06-30) - RTL strings are buggy
(2015-06-26) - One row of table with several cells and one of the cells with multiple rows
(2015-06-05) - Loadtemplate problem
(2015-05-25) - Removing empty lines in docx template
(2015-05-12) - How work with "onshow" and "if"
(2015-05-06) - Dynamic Docx Generation
(2015-05-01) - Deleting a line or a paragraph in DOCX template
(2015-04-30) - Data in CheckBox
(2015-04-14) - ope=changepic - two pictures in docx
(2016-07-14) - DOCX with table of contents
(2015-03-10) - Corruption with ope=changepic
(2015-03-08) - Remove blocks with nodata
(2015-04-09) - Carriage Returns instead of Line Breaks PHP/MySQL -> DocX
(2015-03-07) - Blank page deletion plugin?
(2015-02-26) - Multiple block conditions
(2015-02-11) - Docx corrupted when multiple image records in table rows
(2015-02-05) - BUG Quote expected Location: Part:/word/document.xml
(2015-02-06) - format table while merging block
(2015-01-25) - Merge Problem with Word 2007
(2015-01-25) - why the opentbs download doxc file is null?
(2015-01-24) - Restart Number between page docx
(2015-01-19) - Facing merge problem in more than 2 .docx files.
(2014-12-19) - Load sub-template in DOCX
(2014-11-24) - 2 dimensional array to docx table
(2015-03-07) - Insert background color on even rows?
(2014-11-11) - Change pictures in header of a docx
(2014-11-11) - Can not open docx with OSX
(2014-10-31) - Charts in Blocks
(2014-10-28) - docx with aggregate?
(2014-10-28) - Display Array in docx
(2014-10-23) - Condition then value "bold"
(2014-10-24) - Word Document Properties Updating
(2014-10-07) - MySQL->DOCX block with repeating records
(2014-10-24) - How to TBS export to word image from database mysql (blob)?
(2014-10-04) - OpenTbs Export To Word Error in Yii
(2014-09-28) - Using att= in DOCX
(2014-09-28) - extended page block
(2014-09-19) - Space between paragraphs
(2014-09-14) - Dynamic Table Approach
(2014-08-28) - How can i resolve this table layout ?
(2014-09-09) - how to use chinese word in docx
(2014-08-19) - [FR]Rendu façon tableau
(2014-08-20) - eastAsia fonts
(2014-08-28) - nested pages
(2015-02-06) - Docx corrupted file. Xml missing.
(2014-07-31) - Title hierarchy docx
(2014-08-06) - Pictures as list item in a table cell
(2014-07-21) - Any php methods to merge the docx files that contain image inside?
(2014-07-15) - redirect page after Show()
(2014-07-14) - How to conditional if else in docx ?
(2014-07-09) - Path for picture with SF2 controller
(2014-06-13) - Using Array Pointers in DOC/PPT/XLS Markup
(2014-06-11) - how to make more than one page ?
(2014-06-02) - Bullet points inside table row
(2014-05-26) - Can't insert UTF-8 strings into docx. Charset options don't help.
(2014-05-28) - DOCX and conditionnal display of paragraph
(2014-05-28) - delete specific column in table
(2014-05-26) - no merging of automatic fields
(2014-05-28) - Page break and headergrp
(2014-05-28) - Undefined property
(2014-05-26) - Syntax required - Dynamic Table with Heading
(2014-08-06) - single line merge
(2014-05-05) - micorsoft word version problems
(2014-04-28) - insert image with path url in Docx
(2014-04-16) - Zend Framework 2 & TinyButStrong
(2014-04-16) - How can I merge two docx files
(2014-04-16) - TinyButStrong Error OpenTBS Plugin: 74 The process is ending, unless you set NoErr property to true.
(2014-04-12) - MergeField in header
(2014-04-11) - Corrupt output 3
(2014-04-10) - Corrupt output 2
(2014-04-11) - Sub bloc with à list
(2014-03-12) - merge all avaliable data (body, header and footer) in word docx
(2014-02-14) - Again on newline
(2017-04-25) - Array to table in dynamic page.
(2014-02-12) - Open TBS docx table paging
(2014-02-03) - Word showing xml tags
(2014-01-18) - Problem in compilation of a table on docx
(2014-01-13) - Can OpenTBS alter checkboxes in a docx?
(2014-04-03) - Corrupt output
(2013-12-18) - Preserve Whitespace
(2014-11-10) - Change pictures in header of a docx
(2013-12-13) - images not merged on page per record
(2013-12-18) - Manually creating xml to insert into document.xml
(2013-12-13) - extremely slow docx building
(2013-12-13) - How to remove image when image source for replace not found.
(2013-11-20) - Replace Cell Backgroundcolor in Word Template
(2013-11-07) - Blockname in OpenTBS
(2013-11-06) - Can't get blocks to work with docx
(2013-11-12) - Graph generation
(2013-11-04) - Special characters in OpenTBS for WORD (CRLF and Tab)
(2013-10-31) - Choose which table to display based on a php variable
(2013-09-17) - Docx table delete rows based on array values
(2013-09-17) - TinyButStrong Error in field [onload.Name2This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
(2013-09-14) - Conditional displaying in WORD
(2015-08-19) - MS Word xml tags changed by OpenTBS
(2013-09-18) - Replace Header in docx
(2013-08-12) - Forward to new page after OPENTBS_DOWNLOAD
(2013-08-20) - multidimensional array
(2013-08-20) - [fr] OPENTBS_CHANGE_PICTURE
(2013-07-25) - docx template creation
(2013-07-25) - onshow.x;ope=changepic only working for first page
(2013-07-25) - Generate automatically a table
(2013-07-17) - OpentTBS formula between sheets in excel
(2013-07-16) - Ampersand in creating MS Word Document is corrupting the file
(2013-07-17) - Setting docx styles
(2013-07-15) - Display block Conditionally
(2013-07-17) - OpenTBS - Sub-block and row
(2016-07-22) - OpenTBS and custom fields + table of contents
(2013-07-02) - East Asian Characters and MS Word using MergeBlock not working
(2013-06-23) - Adding a table to docx
(2013-06-18) - OpenTBS block speed problem
(2013-06-05) - Data is not showing in docx file
(2013-06-04) - Re: html2pdf in tinybutstrong
(2013-06-01) - multiple documents word file
(2013-05-15) - Corrupt document for OPENTBS_DOWNLOAD
(2013-05-13) - Error if open the files
(2013-08-29) - remove last empty page
(2013-05-05) - Is there a way to manipulate "shapes" in Word documents?
(2013-04-30) - * OPENTBS DEBUG MODE [SOLVED]
(2013-04-30) - Data from MySQL
(2013-04-23) - docx table column
(2013-04-23) - how i can put img in docx ?
(2013-05-03) - WordML raw code insertion
(2013-04-26) - Re: How to merge table cells?
(2013-04-18) - Merge table cell row of one column
(2014-10-04) - Merging of Cells Vertically
(2013-04-11) - [fr] mettre à jour les tables excels liées aux graphs
(2013-04-06) - Problem with Merge in excel template
(2013-04-03) - Create a hyperlink to a file
(2013-04-16) - How to merge table cells?
(2013-03-06) - Re: Open TBS Table in docx with Dynamic Columns and Rows
(2013-03-06) - Manage image blocks
(2013-02-26) - Allowed memory size exhausted FATAL ERROR
(2013-02-21) - OpenTBS displaying variable instead of evaluating where
(2013-02-10) - Suppressed tabs in office template
(2013-01-21) - Extent of ope=changepic?
(2013-01-24) - Calendar with Data per Page
(2013-01-14) - Feature idea
(2013-01-11) - Change image in docx file
(2013-01-15) - Conditional Section and Template
(2013-03-11) - "No error detail available" - Very corrupt .docx
(2012-12-17) - Questions about TBS
(2012-12-12) - Suppressing empty variables
(2012-11-30) - Provide Users the Replacement Tags in Word
(2012-11-30) - Very slow load template
(2012-11-22) - Geberating the docx and updating mysql table
(2012-11-16) - xlsx with password ?
(2012-12-11) - How to merge 2 doc file with TBS
(2012-11-02) - Help with multidimentsional array
(2012-10-30) - How can i cheng dir to save docx in tbs
(2013-12-20) - Re: Open TBS With MS Word & Chart
(2012-10-12) - Text in bold
(2012-10-12) - Word wrap (new line)
(2012-10-08) - Scriptcase and OpenTBS - word document corrupted
(2012-10-02) - Replace text
(2013-03-06) - Ability to Hide Table similar to [onload;block=mc:AlternateContent;when [var.x_delete]=0]
(2012-08-16) - TinyButStrong Error when merging block [Array]: the specified source is set to FALSE.
(2013-04-26) - Hiding Drawing Elements (or Groups of Elements) in Word
(2012-07-23) - Loading a subtemplate based on data from MergeBlock()
(2012-07-10) - Word found unreadable content in ms word.
(2012-06-15) - Losing Spaces in .docx
(2012-06-16) - xml goed crazy
(2012-06-15) - updating table of contents in docx
(2012-06-11) - Help with sub blocks
(2012-06-09) - render html tags from database field into docx
(2012-06-02) - [fr] document docx corrompu
(2012-05-25) - Images in Word 2007 vs. 2010
(2012-05-11) - Bold on OpenTBS and Word
(2013-11-20) - Generating .docx - Problem in formatting
(2012-04-11) - Automatic Subblocks - no dot operator?
(2012-04-05) - Nested images within table
(2012-10-09) - Open TBS With MS Word & Chart
(2016-05-09) - Insert formatted (styled) text into MS Word from html tags in database
(2012-02-19) - Problem opening file Word
(2012-02-18) - checkboxes
(2012-02-16) - how to create multiple docx files using TBS
(2013-03-05) - Open TBS Table in docx with Dynamic Columns and Rows
(2012-09-14) - Another Corrupt Simple Word (docx) File Problem
(2012-02-09) - OpenTBS: page breaks / one page per record
(2011-12-28) - MS Office Reporting Corrupt File
(2011-12-02) - docx for WYSIWYG editor?
(2011-09-23) - Tutorial for creating a docx 2007 template
(2011-09-23) - table:table-row problem in docx
(2011-09-07) - Unable to MergeField .docx
(2011-08-13) - Change colour of text
(2013-12-13) - OpenTBS image width and height
(2011-06-27) - ListParagraph docx
(2012-03-27) - Can OpenTBS combine multiple docx files?
(2011-06-23) - Exporting generated docx files to PDF
(2011-05-13) - doc,docx,pdf conversion to html
(2011-05-03) - Nested table inside multiple pages
(2011-04-28) - How to define non global variable in header and footer