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Need help to formation table

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By: Alexey
Date: 2016-03-25
Time: 12:50

Need help to formation table

Hi all. I try to formation table. I have array DATA. I use PHP.
[0] => stdClass Object ( [PROC] => Text1 [PRICE] => 40.00   [DIAG] => number17)
[1] => stdClass Object ( [PROC] => Text2 [PRICE] => 90.00   [DIAG] => number17)
[2] => stdClass Object ( [PROC] => Text3 [PRICE] => 50.00   [DIAG] => number17)
[3] => stdClass Object ( [PROC] => Text4 [PRICE] => 100.00 [DIAG] => number10)
[4] => stdClass Object ( [PROC] => Text5 [PRICE] => 150.00 [DIAG] => number10)
I need to create table like this (URL for see photo):
I mean i need print only 1 time number17 and number10. But i need print all PROC and PRICE (5 times)

I try to do some like this in Template:
Diagnosis :                      Procedures:                                    Price:
[DATA.DIAG]                    [DATA.PROC;block=tbs:row]             [DATA.PRICE]

But it doesn't work correct, beouse i have:
Diagnosis :                      Procedures:                                    Price:
number17                       Text1                                             40
nubmer17                       Text2                                             90
number17                       Text3                                             50
number10                       Text4                                             100
number10                       Text5                                             150
By: Skrol29
Date: 2016-03-26
Time: 00:27

Re: Need help to formation table


This post is similar to
but about ODT.

In DOCX you can use parameter "ope=mergecell" but this parameter works only for DOCX, not ODT yet.
By: Anonymous
Date: 2016-03-26
Time: 12:38

Re: Need help to formation table

But i need do it also in ODT. Have some way to do this in ODT?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2016-03-29
Time: 23:34

Re: Need help to formation table

It is too diffuclt for no, it would need an upgrade of TBS.
The problem is ODT saved the number of spanned cell in the first cell but TBS knows the number of spanned cells only during the merge.