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Need help to create odt

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By: Alexey
Date: 2016-03-22
Time: 09:47

Need help to create odt

Hi. I try to create odt document with info from my files.
This code is working for docx documents (block=w:tr), but it doesn't work for odt .
I can't understand why. Maybe someone can help me?

[onshow;block=table:table-row;when [Diary.DIAG_DIARY.0;noerr;if [val]='';then 0;else 1]=1]
[onshow;block=table:table-row;when [Diary.PROC_DIARY.0;noerr;if [val]='';then 0;else 1]=1]

in odt document it shows and nothing data from :
By: Skrol29
Date: 2016-03-24
Time: 23:04

Re: Need help to create odt

What is the result you have in the ODT ?

By the way, you can use "block=tbs:row" in both DOCX and ODT, this is an alias. But this probably won't fix your problem.

Did you try to clean the TBS tags using cut/past-without-formating ?
By: Alexey
Date: 2016-03-25
Time: 15:09

Re: Need help to create odt

Thanks. I fixed the problem. All is working now