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check checkbox in odt template ?

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By: roha69
Date: 2014-03-27
Time: 16:57

check checkbox in odt template ?


I need check  / uncheck checkbox in my odt template.
How do that please ?


## francais ##

J'ai bessoin de cocher / décocher une case dans mon modèle odt.
Comment puis-je faire ça svp ?

By: Skrol29
Date: 2014-03-27
Time: 23:36

Re: check checkbox in odt template ?

Hi Roha,

Put a check-box form control in your template, and then in its pereperty "Additional information", put the TBS field :


At the PHP side $my_value must be 'checked' or 'unchecked'.

By: roha69
Date: 2014-03-28
Time: 16:13

Re: check checkbox in odt template ?

Thanks a lot Skrol29.

Can you add this exemple in the manuel : please ?

(For other developers on my company)

By: Skrol29
Date: 2014-03-31
Time: 22:59

Re: check checkbox in odt template ?

> Can you add this exemple in the manuel

They are lot of tips and tricks for many LibreOfffice / Ms Office feature.
They can be found by digging the XML of the documents built by those softwares.
The best place for those tips would be a wiki.