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Can we merge 2 differents odt in one?

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By: fabien
Date: 2010-06-21
Time: 10:12

Can we merge 2 differents odt in one?


I am very glad to have found openTBS plugin, it does fit almost perfectly with my problem!

I said almost because I need to make a big odt document, ready to print, with a lot of small odt documents generated by openTBS and a template.

Can we melt two different odt to get only one with both document in it?

I try to get 2 strings and merge it using "add_file" function, but it's not working.

Someone has an idea to help me?
Maybe an other php plugin?

By: Skrol29
Date: 2010-06-22
Time: 16:08

Re: Can we merge 2 differents odt in one?

Hi Fabien,

You can try with Master Documents. In don't know if you can define a link in a Master Document down to a sub-document by an URL. If its so, this is the solution for your problem.

Otherwise, in order to merge two different ODT documents you have to happen the content of the "content.xml" files. But that is not all. You also have to merge styles and pictures, and maybe other entities.
OpenTBS makes you easy to import files from an ODT archive into another ODT archive, but the complexity is to found what entities to import.
By: fabien
Date: 2010-06-22
Time: 16:13

Re: Can we merge 2 differents odt in one?

Thank you very much for your answer.

I wanted to merge 2 odt and print the result into a pdf, so I am turning my odt into pdf and merging pdf after.

This is just a solution.
For that I am using onuconv and ghost script...