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How to print out a calendar/planning

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By: Jerome
Date: 2008-01-05
Time: 21:19

How to print out a calendar/planning

Hi, I would like to create a calendar (or planning).
I want a table for each month and 7 cells per row (and month in header); I tried with headergrp, serial, etc... I really don't know how to make it. Can you tell me how I should do it? Is there a plugin or something? (i did not find anything on this forum and in manual).

Thanks for your help!
By: Pirjo Posio
Date: 2008-01-05
Time: 21:47

Re: How to print out a calendar/planning

Hi Jerome,
I don't know of any ready-made calendar plugin for TBS. But if someone has, or you make one, please share that solution with the TBS community.
However, I think that the dynamic columns example among TBS examples comes closest to a calendar. Have a look at that meanwhile you wait for someone coming up with a ready-made solution. :)
By: TomH
Date: 2008-01-07
Time: 02:31

Re: How to print out a calendar/planning

I have a prototype TBS calendar that you can try to use as a building block
It uses ezSQL for the db layer so you will need to fiddle a bit if your use another db class/plugin (but if you're a heavy TBS user like I am then you should really learn how great ezSQL is when used within TBS)
TBS php
// ----NOTE---- TBS and ezSQL are auto_prepend'ed in my .htaccess file
// stop ezSQL query caching while debugging
$db->use_disk_cache = false;
$db->cache_queries = false;

/* ======================================================================
Each month starts on the [day-of-week]th table td element
$month_first_day_of_week = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2008));
Stuff table blocks_array with this months records -- order by 'event_date'  
======================================================================== */
//$debug_file = "debug.php"; // stuff all the print_r() dumps in here

$TBS = new clsTinyButStrong ;
$TBS->LoadTemplate(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], ".php").".html") ;

// current month...
$labelmonth=date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $displaymonth, 1, $displayyear));

// The table being used here is from the "LTW Calendar" application
// it contains records for each scheduled event
// Do query to get the "event" records
$sql = "SELECT id,name,event_date, DAYOFMONTH(event_date) AS dayofmonth, start_time,end_time,description FROM ltw_eventsv4 WHERE MONTH(event_date)= $displaymonth ORDER BY event_date,start_time";

$event = $db->get_results($sql);// use ezSQL
//$dumpevent = print_r($event,true);

// Create an array that sets an element for each <td> in the table
// do some arithmetic to make empty blocks (<td>'s) before first day of month
$month_first_day_of_week = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $displaymonth, 1, $displayyear));
$month_days_in_month = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $displaymonth, 1, $displayyear));
$totalblocks=$month_first_day_of_week + $month_days_in_month;

for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalblocks; $i++) {
        'block'=>$i,          // the 'block' refers to the <td>'s in the table
        'day'=>$i-$month_first_day_of_week); // the days of the month
// Now... using the results of events from the database -- add "event" details
//        to the table blocks
foreach($event AS $key=>$val){
    $day = $val->dayofmonth;
    $dateblocks[$day+$month_first_day_of_week]['event'][] = array(
    'description'=>$val->description );
$dumped = print_r($dateblocks,true);

$TBS->Show() ;
// Since we need to handle multiple events in a specific day
// we'll use the ondata function to merge them into a single value 
function event_block($BlockName,&$CurrRec,$RecNum){
            foreach($CurrRec['event'] AS $key=>$val){
                    $time = substr($val['start_time'],0,5);
                    $valstuff .= $time." ".$val['name']."<br>";   
} // --end-- ondata function

html template
<style type="text/css">
    font-size : 12px;
    font-size : 16px;
height: 100;
width: 120;
vertical-align: top;
    font-size : 10px;
<hr color=Maroon size=4>
<table bgcolor="#E4F1E4" width=760 align=center border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="">
<tr><th  bgcolor="Silver" colspan=7><b>[var.labelmonth] [var.displayyear]</b></th>
  <tr bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
    <td class=blocksize valign=top nowrap=nowrap><div align="left"><FONT color="#888888"> [bx_1.daylabel;htmlconv=no;noerr;.]</font><br>
    <td class=blocksize valign=top  nowrap=nowrap><div align="left"><FONT color="#888888"> [bx_2.daylabel;htmlconv=no;noerr;.]</font><br>
    <td class=blocksize valign=top  nowrap=nowrap><div align="left"><FONT color="#888888"> [bx_3.daylabel;htmlconv=no;noerr;.]</font><br>
    <td  class=blocksize valign=top nowrap=nowrap><div align="left"><FONT color="#888888"> [bx_4.daylabel;htmlconv=no;noerr;.]</font><br>
    <td class=blocksize valign=top  nowrap=nowrap><div align="left"><FONT color="#888888"> [bx_5.daylabel;htmlconv=no;noerr;.]</font><br>
    <td class=blocksize valign=top  nowrap=nowrap><div align="left"><FONT color="#888888"> [bx_6.daylabel;htmlconv=no;noerr;.]</font><br>
    <td class=blocksize valign=top  nowrap=nowrap><div align="left"><FONT color="#888888"> [bx_7.daylabel;htmlconv=no;noerr;.]</font><br>
  <tr bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
    <td valign="middle" bgcolor="#E4F1E4"><div align="center">
        <span class="text-mini">[bx_0;block=td]</span>&#160;[bx;block=tr;serial]
<hr color=Maroon size=4>

Hope that helps -- butr` if you make some improvements then make sure you contribute them here!

By: TomH
Date: 2008-01-07
Time: 02:40

Re: How to print out a calendar/planning

Ooops... forgot... there's a screenshot to show the output table here
By: Jerome
Date: 2008-01-07
Time: 13:45

Re: How to print out a calendar/planning

Thank to all of you for your replies. I will post my solution as soon as I will finish it!
By: Jerome
Date: 2008-01-08
Time: 19:36

Re: How to print out a calendar/planning

I chose the TomH solution so nothing new to provide. Thank you for your help!
By: TomH
Date: 2008-01-08
Time: 23:58

Re: How to print out a calendar/planning

Hi Jerome,

You can see the more refined version of the calendar app at

-It now does event administration... including add/edit/delete features at last :0)

I'll be posting the source code therein a dsy or do ;)

Hope that helps more,

By: TomH
Date: 2008-01-10
Time: 22:38

Re: How to print out a calendar/planning

Have released the TBS Calendar v.2.3 with all application source

You can see the new release at

It now includes internationalization and event administration, including add/edit/delete features
Change log is at the top of the application php source code