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what's coming up with next version 1.90?

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By: Skrol29
Date: 2003-12-04
Time: 18:21

what's coming up with next version 1.90?

TinyButStrong beta version v1.90b10

This version is stable, but some small details can change
before the final version is released.

The doc in french is available.
The doc in english is currently being written.

Whats new ?

New features:

- works with PHP <= 4.1
- supports foreign Html Charsets
- new method: MergeNavigationBar()
- supports PosgreSQL database in native
- bypage Mode : page #-1 goes to last page
- new parameter for fields: 'noerr'
- MergeBlock() with 'num' supports an array with 'min', 'max' and 'step'

Fixed bugs:

- condition with or without ''
- 'onformat' parameter changed into 'onsection' for blocks only
- by default, no Html conversion when select an item in a Html list