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next version?

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By: Peter
Date: 2003-09-26
Time: 17:08

next version?

when comes the next version?
are there some if then else things?

Bye Peter
By: Skrol29
Date: 2003-09-27
Time: 00:46

Re: next version?

Hello Peter,

The next version should come in 2 or 3 weeks I hope.
The code is almost ready, but I have to update the manual.
This will be a big task because lot of poeple found it heavy to read.
As soon as the code is ready, I will ask for beta-tester.

If you want you can test the current beta version.

>are there some if then else things?
What do you mean ?
By: Peter
Date: 2003-09-29
Time: 12:07

Re: next version?

>If you want you can test the current beta version.
Yes you can send it to me :)

>>are there some if then else things?
>What do you mean ?

something like:
[if>1]bla bla[else]blo blo[endif]

or is there already such a function?
By: Skrol29
Date: 2003-09-30
Time: 07:37

Re: next version?

Hello Peter,

I sent to beta version to you.
There is a kind of if-then-else blocks. That is the conditional blocks that you can define with the [tbs_check] tags.

Unfortunatly, those block can be merged only at the end of the merge, and not really when you decide. I have to enhance that.