2012-08-15 Plug-in MergeOnFly version 1.1.1 : debug mode was activated by default 2012-08-14 Plug-in MergeOnFly version 1.1.0 : - Did not display the end of the template when the block has automatic sub-blocs. - New argument: CountSubRecords 2008-02-29 Plug-in NavBar version 1.0.6 : fixes a bug on endpoint management when parameter 'pagemin' is set to 0. Plug-in HTML version 1.0.6 : modified to work with TBS 3.3.0. Plug-in Cache version 1.0.6 : modifier to work with TBS 3.3.0. 2006-11-26 All plug-ins provided with TBS 3.2.0 are set to version 1.0.5 - Plug-in version is display with [tbs..tbsinfo] - Plug-in Cache: new commande TBS_CACHEDELETEMASK and a bug fixed about TBS_CACHEDELETE. - Plug-in MergeOnFly: output forced using flush(). 2006-08-25 Plug-in HTML version 1.0.4 - Fixes a bug about a blank item added at the end of a list of options. 2006-08-03 Plug-in HTML version 1.0.3 - Fixes a bug when no item is found in a list of option - New parameter "addmissing": enables you to insert searched values which are not found in a list of options. - List of options are merged twice faster in average. 2006-06-16 Plug-in ByPage version 1.0.3 (for TBS >= 3.1.0). - Fixes a bug when display first record of first page, with a non Array data source (like SQL). 2006-06-14 Plug-in NavBar version 1.0.2 fixes a bug with bmagnet. 2006-06-07 Plug-in HTML version 1.0.2 (for TBS >= 3.1.0). Plug-in ByPage version 1.0.2 (for TBS >= 3.1.0). 2006-05-14: Plug-in CacheSystem version 1.0.3 (for TBS >= 3.0.3). 2006-05-13: Plug-in CacheSystem version 1.0.2 (for TBS >= 3.0.2).